Tuesday, May 13, 2014

One use Visa, 3 Nigerian Citizens Deported

A total of three foreign citizens (foreigners ) Nigerian previously domiciled in the District of Semarang , was deported from Indonesia for violating immigration provisions . They abuse the tourist visa to work .

The data was presented by the Office of the National Unity and Politics ( Kesbangpol ) Semarang District in May 2014 . According to the Head of Semarang District Kesbangpol Purbatinhadi , in monitoring the presence of foreigners , it requires coordination antarsemua party . For instance in areas such as Kesbangpol can not take action , because it is the authority of Immigration .

Besides limited in authority , it is also constrained by the data of foreign nationals who can not be viewed online . " The data we foreigners do not hold , even we could not check in online . How can we keep an eye on , because we do not know the data . The only way we keep track of in the field of information society , " said Purbatinhadi , Tuesday ( 05/13/2014 ) .

He revealed , routine surveillance of foreigners because in Semarang district , many industries and schools and hospitals that employ foreign labor .

Supposedly , according to Purbatin , foreigners or those who employ cooperative must report to Kesbangpol and police and the Department of Labor .
( Read: murai batu )

" The function of supervision and monitoring is essential . Because here , including many foreigners who entered . Especially foreigners teacher , it is feared could teach ideology that could affect the ideology of our society . This 2014 alone there were three Nigerian nationals were deported for violating immigration rules , " said Purbatin .

Informed , the number of foreigners who enter the Semarang District is high . In 2013 , there were 88 people registered foreigners . It's just that the number of foreigners who do not report the same to the conditions on the ground . Most of those who come and report to Kesbangpol are foreigners who come as labor .

" The reported 88 people , but his real conditions on the ground 132 foreigners . Then report back in 2014 there were 24 people , while not reported , 64 people , " said Head of National Unity , Adi while informing for the year as of May 2014 , foreigners who have been recently reported there are 10 people .


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